

  • How to transfer/send coupon?
    1. Click on the coupon
    2. Click 'Send' then click either 'Select Contact' to send to a saved contact or 'Scan Qr Code' to send by scanning qr code.
    3. Select the qty. of coupon to send
    4. Click Send
  • When does the coupon expire?

    Each coupon have a expiry date after which you will not be able to redeem the coupon. The expiry date of coupon is shown below the coupon and also in the coupon Terms & Condition.

  • How to claim Rewards?
    1. Go to Rewards tab under coupons page
    2. Click on the coupon you want to claim
    3. Click on claim button
    4. The coupon will be added to 'My Coupons'
    5. To redeem follow the coupon Terms & Condition
  • How to Redeem Prize?
    1. Navigate to My Coupons page
    2. Click on a coupon to redeem
    3. Click on 'Claim'
    4. Click on Redeem (if more than 1 prize)
    5. Click on confirm
    6. Click Send